Monday, September 14, 2009

Still Have The Flu. Seven Days and Counting.

Seven straight days now with a fever between 99.5 and 100.7. I feel like crap. For a while I was soldiering on, but I am out of energy. My maid, Yaneth, is actually taking great care of me. Between her and my Spanish Tutor, Virginia, I am well provided for. They bring me home remedies, chicken soup and check my temp. about every hour. Last Tuesday (or was it Wednesday?) I went and saw the doctor at the Embassy. He took my temp., looked in my ears and my throat and told me I had either a bad cold or mild flu. Well no shit Dr. House, you had to go to medical school to figure that out? What gave it away the coughing, the runny nose or the low fever? So he tells me to take something like aspirin or ibprophen to reduce the fever and gives me some allergy pills and sends me on my way. I went out and got some Dayquil on my own, it was better than the US Govt. could offer. I called the Health Unit again today and was told the doctor was out for the week. It is just as well. But I did want to get tested to see if I have the H1N1 or what ever the swine flu is called. I would just like to document what it was that I survived. Well, I have not survived it yet...

1 comment:

Bernard Yin said...

PLEASE get well! I had a light bug recently that felt like a flu coming-on. It was scary and very unexpected. You can call it N1H1 for bragging rights.